Fun Fact: Die Symbole auf dem Gamepad der Wii U im Zelda Design sind nicht nur Symbole, sondern bedeuten auch etwas Was genau, das zeige ich euch jetzt. Ist aber alles grob übersetzt, denn die Originalsprache ist aus dem Japanischen (vom Hylianischen )

...when turns the age of The Green the sign will appear.

...above the tomb it`s still alive. In an island a young boy...

...crossing the field the heart wil be taken by a powerfull wind of the whirlwind of...

Like in the Legend of the young one who stood against the roaring darkness from the land of the thiefs, on Wii U it all will be known and the wishes fulfilled.(Kome is something more like included but in this case I think fulfill approaches better)

In the time of The Green those whom hadn`t been taken their will off focused the power of the awekened goddess to give the death battle to an end, and so the power vanished...

..restores peace to the land. And so is the Legend of a land which it´s memory vanishes.

Ziemlich geil das Ganze