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  1. #101
    What are you doing kiddo? Avatar von Couga
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    PSN ID: Couga83


    Das ist schon richtig, aber die müssen ja zwischen den Leuten die einfach so 80$ spenden und denen die 65+15$ backen unterscheiden.

  2. #102
    The Cleric Avatar von Don Kan Onji
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    Moon Palace
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    Gamertag: Lord Raven24 PSN ID: LordRaven27


    Ach jetzt verstehe ich das, man kann auch einfach so spenden. Gott, ist das kompliziert

    Aber das wird doch in der PayPal Rechnung aufgelistet und das bekommen die auch sicher so in deren Buchhaltung mit, zumal das ja mit einer Rechnungsnummer und einem Verwendungszweck (meist auch ne Nummer eben wie bei Banküberweisungen) hinterlegt wird. Ich denke mal, du machst dir da viel zu viele Gedanken drum

  3. #103
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    Zitat Zitat von Couga Beitrag anzeigen
    Und die wissen dann für welches Tier ich gebackt habe?
    Irgendwie bin ich da unsicher.
    Also ich würde zum Braten raten. Gebackene Tiere schmecken nicht ganz so gut, wie gebratene, oder gekochte. Und Dollars backen? davon würde ich auch abraten. Hoffe, ich konnte deine Unsicherheit beseitigen.

  4. #104
    The Cleric Avatar von Don Kan Onji
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    Moon Palace
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    Gamertag: Lord Raven24 PSN ID: LordRaven27


    der ist richtig geil

    Ich sag ja, dieses Denglisch ist in diesem Fall der grösste Mist, egal ob pledgen oder backen.

  5. #105
    Eternity Watcher Avatar von Farudan
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    Vor allem, wenn durch Schreibfehler manche daraus Baker machen und das auf englisch dann tatsächlich der Bäcker ist. ^^

    Update 15 erzählt was über die vier Basisklassen (Kämpfer, Schurke, Magier, Priester). Im Kern weitgehend übliche Genre-/D&D-Klischees, aber wohl variabler in der Umsetzung. Die weiteren sind Waldläufer, Druide und Mönch. Als neues Bonusziel wollen sie ab 2,5 Millionen Dollar noch den Barabern und den Cipher, wohl so eine Art Psioniker / Gedankenmanipulator, einführen. Außerdem ab 2,6 Millionen die komplett selbsterstellte Party. Russisch und Polnisch sind nun ebenfalls im Angebot und ein erstes Wallpaper. Neues Logo haben sie auch klammheimlich eingeführt.

    Kickstarter <=> Deutsch von mir

    Zitat Zitat von Obsidian Entertainment

    First things first: our PayPal is now set up and ready to use! If you'd like to back the project using PayPal, you can do from the Project Eternity homepage at Obsidian:

    Please note that pledges made through PayPal will not show up on our Kickstarter page, though we will count them toward stretch goals at the end of the campaign.

    $2.5M and $2.6M Stretch Goals - Barbarian and Cipher, Adventurer's Hall with Party Creation

    Since the days are counting down, we'd like to introduce two new stretch goals. As you'll read in a few more paragraphs, Project Eternity is currently slated to support seven classes. Our current roster includes fighters, priests, rogues, wizards, rangers, monks, and druids. We believe this represents the common core and several popular secondary classes that many players enjoyed using in the Infinity Engine games. We would like to use our $2.5M stretch goal to include two additional classes: the barbarian and the cipher.

    Barbarians come from many of the more remote cultures found across the world. In the Dyrwood, they are commonly found among Glanfathan elf communities. They are distinguished from fighters by their recklessness, ferocity, and their predilection to substitute raw aggression for discipline. Barbarians are a challenge to deal with on a battlefield, though they are vulnerable to exhaustion if they don't pace themselves.

    Ciphers are uncommon and often misunderstood individuals with extraordinary mental abilities. Like wizards and priests, they have many talents that draw directly from their souls, but ciphers have the unique ability to peer through the spiritual energy of the world to manipulate other souls. While wizards use complex formulae in large tomes and priests tap into the passion of their faith, ciphers are able to operate directly through the power of their minds... and yours.

    But wait, we're not done yet! We've been reading a lot of feedback online about classes, companions, and party composition options. We want to give people the ability to build their parties as they like and we also want to allow people to experience the full spectrum of class mechanics. Companions go a long way toward achieving that goal while also providing a ton of reactivity in the world. Even so, we'd like to do more.

    At $2.6M, we will add an Adventurer's Hall to the world. In the Free Palatinate of Dyrwood, adventurers and mercenaries from across the world are often employed as personal bodyguards, elite security, or salvage (plunder) teams that venture into the forgotten corners of Eír Glanfath. A lot of the folks who hang out as such places are robbers and miscreants, but reliable agents can be found and employed with a bit of patience.

    What does this mean for you? It means that if you don't like a companion, or if you don't like any of our companions, you won't be cut off from having characters of their classes. Over time, you can build your own custom parties to play through the game. If you want a party of monks or all casters, this gives you the ability to do it within the game while still maintaining the pacing of the standard PC + companions play style.

    And now that that's out of the way, let's talk about...

    Classes: the "Core Four"

    Classes in Project Eternity are meant to provide a general framework for character types. Different classes excel in different areas, but the framework can be extended and elaborated on in a multitude of ways to create characters with unique capabilities. If you see a fighter, chances are good that he or she is going to be able to take a lot of damage, but that's about all you can be sure of. If you see a wizard, he or she probably has some hard-hitting spells that can cover a large area, but his potential list of capabilities is vast.

    If you want to create a wizard who wears plate armor and hacks away with a broadsword from behind a heavily-enhanced arcane veil, we want to let you do that. If your idea of the perfect fighter is one who wears light armor and uses a variety of dazzling rapier attacks in rapid succession, we want to help you make that character. So it's good to think of Project Eternity's classes as being purpose-ready but not purpose-limited.

    To date, through our Kickstarter campaign, you have helped us fund seven classes. In our design, we started with the "core four" because they are the most broadly familiar and also some of the most versatile: the fighter, the priest, the rogue, and the wizard. To these four, you helped us add three specialized, but popular, classes: the ranger, the monk, and the druid. The design of each class has a solid, distinctive base set of abilities that remain in most builds, but will have a large number of optional specializations and alterations to give players a high level of flexibility in developing an individual character's particular style.

    Though we are still early in development, we'd like to let you know the rough ideas on what the “core four” classes of Project Eternity encompass:

    Fighter - Fighters are men and women trained to use a wide variety of traditional weapons in brutal combat. They are often put in -- or put themselves in -- harm's way and are built to take an extraordinary amount of punishment. Though not traditionally as mobile as the monk nor as likely to dish out individually withering attacks as a rogue, fighters are dependable and flexible, able to shift between a variety of attack modes that alternate between high damage, maintaining a strong defense, weakening opponents, and dealing harsh retribution to those who attack his or her allies. Some fighters build up arsenals of feints, knockdowns, and special attacks rather than rely on the “slow and steady” approach.

    And while fighters are often thought of as being primarily melee-based, they can specialize in a variety of weapons, including bows, crossbows, and even firearms. They're unlikely to outclass rangers at their own game, but fighters can be almost as dangerous at a distance as they are up close. Though it may not look like it to see them in battle next to wizards and priests, fighters are just as able to tap into the power of their souls to devastating effect: accelerating their attacks to a superhuman speed, striking foes with such power that nearby opponents are knocked off their feet, and maintaining a phenomenal endurance that allows them to rapidly bounce back from even terrible wounds.

    When they aren't locked in life and death struggles, fighters are, unsurprisingly, often quite athletically capable. Even so, it's not uncommon to find fighters who are stealthy and well-educated. Moving unseen and knowing how to get out of a jam can come in handy even for them.

    Priest - In a world with many gods, there are many different types of priests. Though the majority of priests spend their time tending to worshipers or engaged in relatively peaceful pursuits, there are ranks of dedicated adventuring or mercenary priests who have turned the flame of their faith into a spark to ignite the power of their souls. Such men and women have found a divine link to their chosen deity, but their abilities stem solely from within.

    Dedicated to spreading the news of their gods' dominions in the realms of mortals through their own deeds, adventuring priests thrust themselves into lethal conflict to prove their worth. Often trained to fight alongside soldiers of their respective churches, priests are capable in the fray (and near the fray, for those who follow less melee-oriented faiths), but their true power comes from their prayers, faith-inspired miracles that aid their allies and punish their enemies. These miracles range from combat blessings, weapon enchantments, and protective barriers to divine summons, sanctified wards, and crippling curses. In many ways, the prayers of priests have almost as much variety as wizards spells, though priests are restricted to invoking prayers that are aligned with their faith. Additionally, priests often specialize in the weapons, armor, and litanies of prayers most beloved by their church. Thus, the multitude of gods produces a multitude of different priests, each with their own unique array of abilities.

    Most priests are church-educated and are widely versed in many types of lore. However, some priests get by on pure faith alone, having little knowledge of the world around them. Such battle priests often lean more heavily on their athletic abilities when they are in the field.

    Rogue - Contrary to what their name might imply, rogues come from many walks of life. They are cutpurses, thugs, and courtesans but also aristocrats, diplomats, and personal guards. Often separated by station in life, they are united by their reliance on wits, speed, and subterfuge to achieve their goals. The way of the rogue is not to stand toe-to-toe with the biggest brute in the room and exchange body blows, but to glance away in feigned confusion and slip an unseen blade between the brute's ribs as he turns his attention. When a room explodes in a storm of fire, the fighters grit their teeth, the priests pray for salvation, and the wizards fumble to find a spell to protect them, but the rogues just... disappear. They excel at being in the one place where no one's looking, at kicking people when they're down, at taunting a foe into turning its back on the rogue's ally while he or she nimbly skips away, and at being just too damned slippery to pin down.

    Whether they pack a pair of daggers, a fine rapier, a slim bow, a stubby pistol, or a brutish club, rogues haul a carnival of pain with them wherever they go. If their natural tendencies weren't dangerous enough, their affinity for skullduggery allows some talented rogues to tap into their souls to perform amazing stunts: fading from view in plain sight, briefly cloaking their allies in a veil of shadow, imbuing their weapons with a soul-eating venom, or even becoming so insubstantial that blades barely hurt them.

    While rogues are known for their stealthy nature both in and out of battle, many of them are quite talented with machines and contraptions of all sorts. High-born rogues are often very knowledgeable about esoteric, while many low-born rogues are well-equipped to survive in the wild.

    Wizard - Widely respected in most societies, wizards of Project Eternity are men and women of high education and extreme mental discipline, if not always outright intelligence. Wizards are sometimes called navigators of the mortal soul, charting out and practicing the precise ways in which “ordinary” people can unlock the power inside of themselves. Using their knowledge to truly spectacular ends, wizards rely not only on ancient practices but also their own research to propel them forward. Far from being occult or protected knowledge, most wizards' spells are just so incredibly complex and physically demanding that even practiced wizards cannot invoke them without the use of expensive, specially-enchanted tomes.

    And what do the tomes contain? Instructions on ways to use one's soul to alter reality, to warp time around enemies, to make skin as tough as stone, to counter even the most powerful magic, to invoke balls of flame, bolts of lightning, gouts of acid, to conjure nightmares out of thin air. Truly, the possibilities open to wizards seem to exceed even those of what priests can call upon through their faith. And though any wizard may prepare several tomes, an inexperienced caster is not capable of channeling power through the log-thick, anvil-heavy, dog-eared grimoires of wizened archmagi. Such novices must alternate between more modest selections, relying on their less demanding spells and talents when they are unable to call upon their tomes.

    Wizards are often assumed to be masters of occult lore. While this certainly applies to their knowledge of spells, many wizards are so narrowly-focused that they are ignorant of outside culture and history. It is also not uncommon for wizards to delight as much in mechanical curiosities as rogues. Because their powers make them targets in battle, a surprising number of wizards are quite fit, even if they aren't particularly strong.

    That's all for our class update, but we wanted to give you a piece of art to show you examples of characters you may encounter (and adventure with) in Project Eternity. We hope you enjoy this fantastic painting from Kieran Yanner, and we have wallpapers of the art available in different resolutions.

  6. #106
    Eternity Watcher Avatar von Farudan
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    Zu dem Thema Paypal und Shipping:

    On behalf of some Paypalers from Germany: shipping has to be included already when ordering, right? If so, and if they have to add 20 $ shipping or want to add strategy guide / Beta Access from beginning, they should use "Donate Your Own Amount" and sum all things up, correct?

    Yes, they need to add the shipping in. However, we can also adjust afterward - which we can't do on Kickstarter. So, it's less important to get it right on Paypal.

  7. #107
    Eternity Watcher Avatar von Farudan
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    Update #16: Mod-Support, Endlos-Dungeon +1 Level, Belohnungsstufen-Updates und einige Details zum Kampf- & Magiesystem von Tim Cain.

    Kickstarter <=> Deutsch von mir

    This week we announced our Mega Dungeon, our base classes, the cipher and barbarian classes as stretch goals, and the Adventurer's Hall as another stretch goal. We are coming up on our final week of the Kickstarter, and we have exciting stuff planned for you in the coming week including new rewards, a special inside peek into Obsidian, and a first look at Project Eternity.
    Exclusive Backer Pet, Hardcover Books for $250 and Name in the Game for $500!

    At the $50 tier and up we have an exclusive in-game pet for you! The pet is optional and will not have any in-game function besides being a quiet companion that will never leave your side. We are looking for ideas on what the pet could be, so let us know what you would like to see in our forums.

    We have great news for $250 and up backers! We are upgrading the Collector's Book at the $250 level to a hardcover at no extra charge. The Collector's Book is a full-color book that includes concept art, our monster manual, information about the campaign setting, and a special behind the scenes look at the making of Project Eternity.

    Additionally for our $500 backers and above, we will let you put your name and a personalized message on a memorial stone in game. Your unique message will be encoded into Glanfathan runes, and can be decoded using a unique in-game ring. It's a way for all of us to remember your large contribution to Project Eternity.
    Tim Answers Your Combat Questions from Reddit

    Kaboom asks: Hi Tim! I'm curious how the close combat in P:E will turn out. Will the melee of P:E encompass stuff like reach weapons, opportunity attacks, flanking, grappling, charging, prone/standing-modes and so forth?

    Tim: Yes, we are looking to include many of these features into our close combat system. Specifically, opportunity attacks and flanking are definitely in, as well as charging. We're not sure about reach weapons yet (we need to figure out if that attribute on a weapon will be worthwhile enough in combat and will supportable with the appropriate UI), and while we will support prone positions, you won't be able to attack while prone because the animations involved are too different from attacks while standing that we would have to make every animation twice, once for standing and once for prone. This limitation also means that grappling abilities will not be included. There are too many new animations needed and special case limitations that apply, e.g. how does a human grapple a centaur or a dragon or an ooze?).

    Tim answers more of your questions in the video and the text version is on our forums. Also check out the Project Eternity reddit group.
    Mod Support

    From Neverwinter Nights 2 to Fallout: New Vegas, we've enjoyed supporting the mod community, and we are continuing that with Project Eternity. It is awesome to see how you extend the worlds we make.

    To make getting mods easy, we are excited to announce that our friends at the Nexus will be the official spot to download Project Eternity mods once the game is released. They have been a great host for mods for our past games, and we want to continue the trend with the Project Eternity Nexus. Check out the Nexus Network at

    Our plan is to release our file-format information and expose as much of the data in the game as possible for you to extend and edit. We traditionally do not "hard-code" numbers so that our designers, and you, have the power to easily change and iterate on RPG data. We also plan on releasing localization tools to let communities around the world create localized versions for languages we are not translating Project Eternity into.

    As we get more familiar with Unity during production, we will be extending Project Eternity even more for mod makers. Look forward to announcements in the months ahead as we make further progress and can provide you with more information about tools and mod support.
    The Endless Paths Grows!

    We've passed 52,500 backers! The Endless Paths of Od Nua Mega Dungeon continues to grow larger! The next level will be added at 55,000 backers. Thank you for helping us to spread the word about Project Eternity!
    Kickstarter Comments and Kerfluffles!

    Lastly, if you haven’t been attending all of the fun in the Comments section of our Kickstarter, you’re really missing out on some fun conversations. From the Obsidian Order of Eternity representing in full force, to one of our favorites, the Kerfluffle Marshmallow lady, Spring Barnickle, who asks:

    Hmmm... how many marshmallows indeed. Beware paladin-types... beware! Until next time...

    Update by Tim Cain and Adam Brennecke

    FORUMS: Join the discussion on Update #16!

  8. #108
    Eternity Watcher Avatar von Farudan
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    Obsidian hat für 20.000 Likes auf Obsidians Facebook-Seite eine Erweiterung des Mega-Dungeons um einen weiteren Level in Aussicht gestellt. Falls ihr es also noch nicht getan habt, jetzt gäbe es einen Grund dafür und vielleicht finden sich hier ja noch ein paar weitere Menschen, die uns bei dem Unternehmen unterstützen würden?

    Interessantes englisches Interview mit Joshua E. Sawyer beim Matt Chat. Er spricht darin auch über das Magiesystem. Nichts neues, besonders im Vergleich zu den bisherigen Aussagen wie etwa Tim Cains Q&A gestern. Aber wer es noch nicht kennt und keine Lust hat, sich die Zitate einzeln zusammenzusuchen, kann mal einen Blick draufwerfen. Ich schau mal, dasss ich demnächst auch eine deutsche Zusammenfassung mache. Ist grad ein wenig viel Arbeit in letzter Zeit.

  9. #109
    Eternity Watcher Avatar von Farudan
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    Nachdem mich gestern Nacht um 3 ein Verbindungsfehler den bereits geschriebenen Text kostete, hier mein zweiter Versuch.

    Aktueller Stand Kickstarter: 2,47 Millionen $ / 54.800 Unterstützer
    Ungefährer Stand Paypapl: ~32.000 $ / ~ 700 Unterstützer
    Facebook: ~13.000 Gefällt mir

    => Handwerk & Gegenstandsverzauberung wurde erreicht, 5 Level Mega Dungeon (auch wenn das bildlich noch nicht dargestellt wird, aber Paypal wird definitiv am Ende auf KS draufgeschlagen)
    => nächstes Bonusziel die Adventurer's Hall (selbsterstellte Begleiter) auf 2,6 Millionen, weitere 7.000 Facebook-Likes nötig bis zum Zusatzlevel für Od Nua.

    Das Update brachte eine neue, digital only Belohnungsstufe auf 165 Dollar. Als Geschenkköder bietet Obsidian im Gegenzug das kommende Add-on zu PE und das kommende rundenbasierte, postapokalyptische Wasteland 2 von inXile. Wer mehr beigesteuert hat, bekommt es natürlich oben drauf. Mehr gab's zum gestrigen Update nicht zu sagen, außer dass es lustige Bilder und ein neues Concept Art hatte.

    With only seven days left on the Project Eternity Kickstarter, we want to start the last week off with some pretty incredible things to announce. You might not know that Brian Fargo is the guy who gave many of us our start in the games industry at Interplay – myself (Feargus), Josh Sawyer, Chris Avellone, Scott Everts, Brian Menze, Chris Jones, Chris Parker, Darren Monahan – and the list keeps on going from there. He also gave the guys who started a little company called Silicon & Synapse their first few projects – pretty crazy to think that little company is now Blizzard Entertainment.

    Personally, we are incredibly thankful to him and for the second wave of Kickstarter attention he brought with Wasteland 2. But, Brian hasn’t stopped being the great guy that he is, and so, he’s helping us out by letting us add Wasteland 2 as a reward at our higher tiers. So, what tiers will that be? A lot of you have asked for a digital tier after $110, so we are adding a $165 Digital Only Tier. That means Wasteland 2 will get added to this new $165 tier and all the tiers above.

    What we are also doing is adding the first expansion pack for the game to the $165 Tier (and above). The expansion will come out approximately six months after Project Eternity is released and is not being funded by this Kickstarter. That’s right, it’s not DLC, but a real honest to God RPG expansion pack. We don’t have the details on the Expansion yet, but you can bet it will be what you’d expect from an Infinity Engine game expansion.

    With all that Brian has done for us in the past and his incredibly generous offer, we also want to kick something in. To do that we are now supporting the Brian's Kicking It Forward initiative. The Kickstarter community is pretty amazing and we want to help whomever we can be as successful as we have been.

    For those of you that missed the announcement over the weekend, we will be adding another level to the Mega Dungeon if we hit 20,000 Likes on the Obsidian's Facebook page. We are getting close to halfway there!

    That’s a lot for today, and we have so much more coming up tomorrow. Maybe some new stretch goals, maybe some new add-ons, or heck maybe all of that! Stay tuned all of this week as we ramp up to the Project Eternity Kickstarter finish next Tuesday, October 16th with an all-day live video stream from Obsidian. We are trying to get Tim to do the cooking!

    Oh, and we also owe everyone an update that goes through everything you get at each of the tiers listed out with a bit more detail than we can squeeze in on the front page of our Kickstarter site. We will get that update out in the next few days, but to tide everyone over – we’ve attached the full concept for Aloth below.
    Geändert von Farudan (09.10.2012 um 10:18 Uhr)

  10. #110
    Bleibt zu Hause Avatar von alceleniel
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    Urban Jungle


    @Farudan: Weißt du, ob man beim 165$ Tier das Expansion Pack auch 2mal bekommt? Das Hauptspiel ja schon. Ich habe darüber nichts finden können, kann aber die Kommentare auch nicht alle verfolgen.

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